Class network.

We seek direct contact with young talent from the region, for example through cooperation with our schools here in Quakenbrück and in the surrounding region, such as the Oberschule Artland, the Oberschule am Sonnenberg in Berge, the Artland Gymnasium, the Ravensberg Schule and the Oberschule Essen. Together with our current apprentices, we inform the upper classes about the job profiles at PPS and apprenticeships for industrial office workers, plant mechanics and automotive mechatronic specialists.

Alternatively we are happy to welcome interested pupils on site at PPS and give them an insight into our company and the various occupational groups.

Connection to schools.

As a teacher, are you responsible for training preparation and would you like to establish contact with PPS for your pupils?
Then we would be pleased if our colleagues received your email enquiry.

Portrait Faber vor Karte

Tanja Faber

Apprenticeship Industrial Business (m/f/d)
T +49 5431 14 216

Portrait Siemer

Josef Siemer

Apprenticeship Plant Mechanic (m/f/d) Specialisation in Plant Engineering
T +49 5431 14 228


Heiko Schulz

Apprenticeship Automotive Mechatronics (m/f/d) Commercial Vehicle Technology
T +49 5431 14 234