Construction of horizontal drilling sections with 2 individual drilling sections each (840 m and 310 m)
Delivery and welding of PE pipes DA 280 SDR 9 / SDR11, 3,450 m
Supply and insertion of PE pipe DA 50*4.6 in cable protection pipe DA 280, 10,350 m
Supply and insertion of PE pipe DA 75*6.8 in cable protection pipe DA 280, 1,150 m Lot HDD 2
Construction of horizontal drilling sections with 3 individual drilling sections each (610 m, 340 m and 280 m)
Supply and welding of PE pipes DA 280 SDR 9 / SDR11, 3,690 m
Supply and insertion of PE pipe DA 50*4.6 in cable protection pipe DA 280, 11,070 m
Supply and installation of PE pipe DA 75*6.8 in cable protection pipe DA 280, 1,230 m
Lot HDD 3
Construction of two horizontal drilling sections of 1,170 m and 630 m, each a drill channel of 800 mm diameter for the insertion of three cable ducts of DA 280
Delivery and welding of PE pipes DA 280 SDR 9, 5,400 m
Delivery and insertion of PE pipe DA 50*4.6 in cable protection pipe DA 280, 16,200 m
Supply and insertion of PE pipe DA 75*6.8 in cable protection pipe DA 280, 1,800 m